
Things to cross off...

I'm publishing my to-do list in hopes that I'll actually get it done since it's out there for the public to see and I would be horribly embarrassed if I didn't get it done:

  1. Put away laundry.
  2. Run the dishwasher.
  3. Run the roomba. Twice.
  4. Trim the cats' claws.
  5. Deep clean the bathroom.
  6. Change the sheets and make the bed.
  7. Vacuum the couch and chairs.
  8. Sort through pile of papers on my desk. Shred or file important stuff.
  9. Get my tax info together. Find place to do my taxes. I'm terrified that I screwed up last year, so I'm taking them to a professional this time.
  10. Sort through the two boxes that have been sitting under my desk since I moved here.
  11. Update my resume and contacts. That should always be up-to-date, even if you're not actively searching for a new job.
  12. Contact my alma mater for my official transcripts. Another thing to always have for your own records.
  13. Go through backpack filled with various electronics/video junk.
  14. Upload my latest Flickr photos. Of the cats. Always of the cats. :\
  15. Get my girly grooming done. Preferably before the BF gets home. "You've been in there FOREVER..."
  16. Read my book.
  17. Put more music on my ipod.
  18. Hardboil a bunch of eggs for weekday breakfasts.
  19. Put away Christmas crap. Yes, I'm aware it's March, why do you ask?